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Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:A Kielcz roblee007@...
Date/Time:2014-Sep-02 22:12:49
Subject:Re: Kings Peak Summit Panorama


PanoTools NG: Re: Kings Peak Summit Panorama A Kielcz roblee007@... 2014-Sep-02 22:12:49
this jodrowski guy didn;t have everybody "home"?
A Kielcz 
Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. 

 From: "#removed# [PanoToolsNG]" <#removed#>
To: #removed# 
Sent: Tuesday, September 2, 2014 11:51 AM
Subject: RE: [PanoToolsNG] Kings Peak Summit Panorama

Gary wrote: 

I was wondering how many images you captured for this. Really amazing.
When using the fisheye, do you need to do rows of images or is the fisheye
Enough for VR?
With a 10.5mm on a Nikon D200 all you need is 1 row of 6 shots all around and possibly one shot for the nadir, and one for the zenith. 

With the same lens (shaved) on a D800 I need only 4 shots all around, plus one for the nadir (not always).

       Uri Cogan

Birds born in cages think that flying is an infirmity.

   -- Alessandro Jodorowski 

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