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Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:Enrique Molano emolanov@...
Date/Time:2015-Apr-28 22:37:33
Subject:Fisheye Distortion removal before stitching?


PanoTools NG: Fisheye Distortion removal before stitching? Enrique Molano emolanov@... 2015-Apr-28 22:37:33
Hi all,I want to stitch some images I got from a gopro hero 3. The hero 3 has a fisheye lense with 170.When should I try to remove the fisheye distorsion? Is it before I start the stitching?I know fulla allows to remove the distorsion but I am not sure when to use itAny help is appreciated
Thanks a lot Enrique Molano

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