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Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:'Mark Fink' markdfink@...
Date/Time:2016-Apr-28 19:32:49
Subject:RE: Re: Convert GPS to HShift and VShift


PanoTools NG: RE: Re: Convert GPS to HShift and VShift 'Mark Fink' markdfink@... 2016-Apr-28 19:32:49
To do this manually, make sure you click the Shift boxes for all images in the Lens Settings tab and manually set the Focal length to something like 2000. You?ll need to be in advanced mode for this. Then on the Optimizer tab, uncheck everything on the left side under the Optimize globally column. You should see Yaw, Pitch, Roll and HShift as well as VShift boxes all checked.


Let me know if that helps!




Mark Fink



Images That Transport You


From: #removed# [mailto:#removed#] 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 9:24 AM
To: #removed#
Subject: [PanoToolsNG] Re: Convert GPS to HShift and VShift


I am very interested in this answer as well.. I have been trying to stitch aerial images from UAV with panotools to no avail...





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