PanoTools mailing list archive

Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:Enrique Molano emolanov@...
Date/Time:2016-May-14 04:06:52
Subject:white balance in panotools


PanoTools NG: white balance in panotools Enrique Molano emolanov@... 2016-May-14 04:06:52
Hi allI am looking at the panotools code and do not understand the workflow to correct white balance. I know hugin does all this correction but I am more interested on the concept and the code behind it. I hope someone can help

What is done first white balance or exposure compensation ?If one image is used as ancore for white balance then the others are corrected based on the ancore so the overlaping areas in the panorama are not taken into account?Is ok to apply white balance at the final panorama or it should be done only to the inputs? 
Shoud it be calculated based on all the image or only in the overlap?

Thanks a lot

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