PanoTools mailing list archive

Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:Bostjan Burger si_lander@...
Date/Time:2018-May-12 12:04:13
Subject:Re: PS scripts to facilitate editing of 360° panoramas


PanoTools NG: Re: PS scripts to facilitate editing of 360° panoramas Bostjan Burger si_lander@... 2018-May-12 12:04:13
Tx Erik. . Going to check it.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 21:44, Erik Krause #removed# [PanoToolsNG]<#removed#> wrote:   Hello,

I've written two photoshop scripts to facilitate the editing of 360° 
panoramas, namely the problem of editing across the 360° seam.

One re-implements the old Shift Half Width script by Eric Geerds as a 
much faster jsx script. The second doubles the width and the content of 
all layers and masks in a photoshop document.

The scripts are written on PS CS6 and may work on older versions as 
well. I'd be curious though whether they work on newer version, which I 
don't have to test. So please test and drop me a note.

You can get them from

A detailed instruction is enclosed. Look for Readme.txt (or Liesmich.txt 
if you're German).

Erik Krause




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