PanoTools mailing list archive

Date/Time:2000-May-27 00:57:16
Subject:Re: Netscape 6.0


proj-imim: Re: Netscape 6.0 KathyW 2000-May-27 00:57:16
** Reply to message from "Gummy Bear" <#removed#> on Fri, 26 May
2000 10:01:39 -0600

> Anybody tried PR1 of Netscape 6.0 yet?

Yes, on Linux, win98 and Mac. 

> The bad news is that it still has many bugs.
> (My tables were showing up all over the place!)
> Oh well, maybe they will fix this before the final release...

Yes there are still a lot of bugs, but N6 (or Mozilla 5 for the purists) is the
most standards complient of all existing browsers. Check your page code, some of
the display problems may not be bugs in N6, and as such will likely not be fixed.

Previous versions of Netsacpe and especially IE were very sloppy and
"forgiving" with the amount of bad or careless code they would tolerate. N6 is
not so forgiving. Unfortunately most WSYWIG authoring packages produce such bad
code that problems are inevitable until the manufacturers lift their game.

There are a couple of utilities available to help clean up page code for you.
One is called "htmltidy" from the W3C (
the other the "demoroniser"


PS I'm still peeved 'cause the Linux version of N6 doesn't support Java yet :-(

PPS Information on the Mozilla project (from which Netscape 6 was released) is
available at

Red Hat Linux 6.1 (kernel 2.2.14)
Sun JDK1.2.2
PolarBarMailer16b (beta/alpha ... what the heck, I like it ;-)

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