PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:John Blommers
Date/Time:2001-Jan-05 02:17:23


proj-imim: John Blommers 2001-Jan-05 02:17:23
Hughe's script results in an error because there are 28 variables to be
optimize but only 10 control points. Mathematically speaking you need
at least 28 variables. My rule of thumb is to have at least 4 control
points per picture, so for 10 pictures you should have 40 control points.

- John

The script is:

p f1 w4230 h456 v360 u10  n"JPEG"

i f0 w640 h480 y0 p0 r0  v54.4322 n"01220002.JPG"  X0 Y0 Z0
i f0 w640 h480 y36 p0 r0  v=0 n"01220003.JPG"  X1 Y0 Z0
i f0 w640 h480 y72 p0 r0  v=0 n"01220004.JPG"  X2 Y0 Z0
i f0 w640 h480 y108 p0 r0  v=0 n"01220005.JPG"  X3 Y0 Z0
i f0 w640 h480 y144 p0 r0  v=0 n"01220006.JPG"  X4 Y0 Z0
i f0 w640 h480 y180 p0 r0  v=0 n"01220007.JPG"  X5 Y0 Z0
i f0 w640 h480 y216 p0 r0  v=0 n"01220008.JPG"  X6 Y0 Z0
i f0 w640 h480 y252 p0 r0  v=0 n"01220009.JPG"  X7 Y0 Z0
i f0 w640 h480 y288 p0 r0  v=0 n"01220010.JPG"  X8 Y0 Z0
i f0 w640 h480 y324 p0 r0  v=0 n"01220011.JPG"  X9 Y0 Z0
v v0
v y1 p1 r1
v y2 p2 r2
v y3 p3 r3
v y4 p4 r4
v y5 p5 r5
v y6 p6 r6
v y7 p7 r7
v y8 p8 r8
v y9 p9 r9
c n1 N0 x90 y192 X622 Y192
c n2 N1 x70 y240 X568 Y240
c n3 N2 x48 y176 X590 Y180
c n4 N3 x60 y232 X586 Y232
c n5 N4 x36 y282 X582 Y284
c n6 N5 x48 y412 X588 Y416
c n7 N6 x54 y278 X580 Y286
c n8 N7 x12 y164 X554 Y172
c n9 N8 x44 y106 X582 Y120
c n0 N9 x102 y292 X604 Y312

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