PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Helmut Dersch
Date/Time:2001-Jan-07 11:43:20
Subject:Re: Number of Control Points, was Re:


proj-imim: Re: Number of Control Points, was Re: Helmut Dersch 2001-Jan-07 11:43:20

Peter Murphy wrote:
> I am not  clear on the various contexts in which
> X,Y,Z are used so maybe someone else can explain those

X,Y,Z are the real world coordinates of the camera positions.
For panoramas, these are all identical (same nodal point)
and ignored. They are important for the PTStereo application
which uses images taken from different camera positions
to reconstruct 3D-worlds. The camera positions themselves
can be calculated using the optimizer, eg you can use
a set of aerial photographs to reconstruct the ground surface
and at the same time calculate the height and position
of the airplane. 

I will add some more examples and documentation for these
programs to my website later.


Helmut Dersch

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