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Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:Roger Howard
Date/Time:2012-Feb-24 22:41:47
Subject:Re: android pano?


PanoTools NG: Re: android pano? Roger Howard 2012-Feb-24 22:41:47
On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 8:18 AM, Ken Warner <#removed#> wrote:

> **
> Right! We have to all worry! Only 5 or 10 years before it all comes
> crashing down.

Did you read the article? Did you read the OP's question?

The Flash plugin for mobile devices project is dead - cancelled (;rls=en&amp;q=flash+mobile...);
if at some point in the future, mobile and desktop/laptop OS'es converge
then we  might be able to say it's back, but that 5-10 years has nothing to
do with mobile, it's Adobe showing they have a roadmap for the mainstream
(Windows and Mac OSX - and maybe Linux - on x86/64, with a decidedly less
certain future on Windows 8 as well) Flash Player. Note, the only real
mentions of mobile in the roadmap are about AIR - not Flash Player.

Also, even on Android versions that do have Flash Player support today, the
new Chrome for Android recently launched doesn't have any plugin support (
- and it's a far better browser than the old Android browser, so many
people are already updating, meaning they have no Flash support in browser

So yes, Flash on Android is dying even faster than we thought just a few
months ago when it was put into maintenance mode. What part of this story
is so hard for people to understand?

I'm not going to get into Flash vs. HTML5; just the facts - Flash Player on
mobile is in maintenance mode today - no new versions, no new platforms,
just critical updates - and a big new nail in its coffin was put in by
Google with the release of Chrome for Android. The Flash on mobile future
is getting smaller, not bigger. And since it's nowhere to be seen on iOS,
and nowhere to be seen on Windows Mobile 8 or any other forthcoming mobile
platform, it's not hard to read the tea leaves.

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