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Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:Jim Watters
Date/Time:2012-Feb-28 18:38:49
Subject:Re: android pano?


PanoTools NG: Re: android pano? Jim Watters 2012-Feb-28 18:38:49
On 2012-02-28 12:57 PM, Jean-Marc Paratte wrote:

    Read theses 2 links about Flash player on Android :

    It's about the same restrictions with the Firefox Mobiles application on
    Android: ARM v7 processors and above.

    It's why a lot of current Android smartphone can't display a pano.

I imagine there are lots of Android devices that work with Flash Player that are 
not listed in certified devices. Both my Phone and Tablet works perfectly with 
Flash player and are not listed there.

Jim Watters

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