Hurricane Lothar

Large parts of the black forest were damaged by Hurricane Lothar on December 26th, 1999. This image was photographed a couple of weeks later.  The panorama is stitched from three full frame fisheye images (15mm Sigma lens/ Olympus OM1) in landscape orientation. The camera was handheld, no tripod was used.

There are three versions of this Panorama available:

  1. Quicktime cylindrical format, which is shown if Quicktime is detected. This is a rather large image with 5000 pixels width and 550kByte file size.
  2. The same panorama automatically displayed in PTViewer, if no Quicktime is available on your computer. To test this Java-viewer, you can force its use by clicking here. Netscape browsers (version 4.x) usually can not diplay this version due to memory shortage.
  3. A smaller version of the Panoramic image can be viewed using PTViewer by clicking here.


Copyright ©2000,2001 Helmut Dersch