PanoTools mailing list archive

Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:Nils Holmberg nils.holmberg@...
Date/Time:2020-Apr-01 08:07:23
Subject:stitch overlapping screenshots


PanoTools NG: stitch overlapping screenshots Nils Holmberg nils.holmberg@... 2020-Apr-01 08:07:23
Hi, I'm wondering if panotools can be used to stitch multiple images with overlapping identical pixels, e.g. screenshots? The question is explained in this stack overflow post: Stitch together images with exactly matching (pixel to pixel) overlaps 

Best wishes

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Stitch together images with exactly matching (pixel to pixel) overlaps

I have a bunch of images in a folder that are effectively just pieces of one image that was broken into overlapp...




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