PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Gummy Bear
Date/Time:2001-Jan-07 22:56:39
Subject:Re: Number of Control Points, was Re:


proj-imim: Re: Number of Control Points, was Re: Gummy Bear 2001-Jan-07 22:56:39
For what it's worth, I have been getting excellent results just
using 3 or 4 control points per image pair.  However, I don't
optimize too many variables and one time.

>One more general remark about control points:
>The cost function as it is now uses the pixel distance in
>the target panorama. This is not optimum and overemphasizes
>points at large pitch angles (up or down). You should avoid
>using control points above 70° pitch and below -70°.
>This is also one of the problems with adding cap shots
>to panos. I will probably change the cost function
>to use the angular distance of control points instead.

This is certainly helpful, and it probably explains some of the difficulty
I've had with the optimizer while adding zenith shots to my panos.
(I was almost positive I had my control points set correctly!)



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