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Sender:Ed Howard
Date/Time:2001-Jan-08 17:36:22
Subject:Fly me to the moon.


proj-imim: Fly me to the moon. Ed Howard 2001-Jan-08 17:36:22
Your moon pano
Is quite impressive and thought provoking.
While I understand the technical complexity of getting a camera to work in
the vaccum of space,
one has to really love the moon to be able to justify the travel expenses
(or have a very rich client).

BTW, was that also stitched on location?
It would be a real bummer to get back home, begin stitching and realize that
one of the images needs to be reshot. : )

The ability to play more than 1 audio track is nice.

Is the poor quality of the song a necessary function of the
compression/format or by design (to emulate the poor reception one recieves
from the moon) ?

Ed Howard

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