PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Gummy Bear
Date/Time:2001-Jan-08 20:56:15
Subject:Re: Fly me to the moon.


proj-imim: Re: Fly me to the moon. Gummy Bear 2001-Jan-08 20:56:15
> one has to really love the moon to be able to justify the travel expenses

Yes, but the price has come down in recent years.   : ^)

> BTW, was that also stitched on location?

Yes, I was in the lunar lander stitching away like mad on my HAL 2000.

> Is the poor quality of the song a necessary function of the
> compression/format or by design (to emulate the poor reception one recieves
> from the moon) ?

Unfortunately, I can't take credit for the quality.  
GSM was designed for voice over cellular phones.
But it does have the advantage of working over very slow connections.



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