PanoTools mailing list archive

Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:Phill Simpson
Date/Time:2014-Apr-10 19:54:55
Subject:Re: how to use coordinates


PanoTools NG: Re: how to use coordinates Phill Simpson 2014-Apr-10 19:54:55
I agree with Eric that your best bet is to use the "Align to grid" feature.
I have found that I get better stitching results by fine tuning the
horizontal and vertical overlap percent first while using the "Detail
Viewer" to look at the boundaries between images (make sure "Show Seams" is
selected). You can get pretty good visual alignment that way.

If you want to try generating Papywizard XML position information, I've
posted an XML calculator at

You would want to use the column and row overlap method. One caveat is that
the calculator is generating pitch and yaw angles for a pano head based on
the lens focal length and camera sensor size. If your camera sensor/lens
combination generates a field of view greater than 12 degrees, you'll
generate a panorama that's greater than 360 degrees in the horizontal
direction with the 30 images you mentioned. The javascript in the calculator
won't know the difference but PTGui will give you an error message. Telling
the calculator you used a telephoto lens (e.g.,  400mm  with a full frame
sensor) would solve that problem.



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