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Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Date/Time:2016-May-29 21:31:20
Subject:Re: Adding Depth


PanoTools NG: Re: Adding Depth der@... 2016-May-29 21:31:20
Hello András,

The cameras are mounted vertically because this was simpler.
It doesn't matter too much which direction the cameras are
oriented as long as the interaxial distance is reasonable. Also, the cameras
need not be identical: You could put a small actioncam on top
of your DSLR, which then captures images for the depthmap.

Creating depth maps from image pairs is not new: see
e.g this overview with software downloads: 
i.e. you don't need to wait for my tools to create
your own panoramas.   
 The tool I wrote is based on the opencv-library 
with cuda support, which, unfortunately, makes
it difficult to distribute. The standard OpenCV 
download  has no cuda-support, and I 
really don't want to host several 100Mb of 
opencv-library myself just to get my tiny 
50kByte-program distributet. I will post
the program, anyway, but it might be difficult
to install the supporting libraries.


Helmut Dersch

---In #removed#, <andras@...> wrote :

 Helmut, hello,
 Am i seeing right that you have the two cameras mounted directly above one another at a distance of 65mm?
 You talk about shifting the ?helper? camera horizontally, but then refer to the cameras as lower and upper . . . .
 I would like to re-configure my stereo rig to match your description properly, so that I may try your tools as they become available.
 I greatly anticipate you having the chance to move this forward!

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