PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Helmut Dersch
Date/Time:2001-Sep-22 11:35:33
Subject:Re: PTEditor - 3 Fisheye Images


proj-imim: Re: PTEditor - 3 Fisheye Images Helmut Dersch 2001-Sep-22 11:35:33

> John Spikowski schrieb:
> Hi List,
> Has anyone been able to figure out how to align 3 fisheye images in
> the new PTEditor Helmut just released? I had to substitute PANO12.DLL
> from the 2.5a release to allow > 160 degrees VFOV.
> I'm not sure what values PTEditor is expecting or the sequence of
> events needed.


in principle, it works the same way as the example
in the tutorial, but:

(1) The supplied pano12.dll is limited to 160 deg fov.
    The sources of pano12.dll will be published after
    this version is debugged.
(2) I found some bugs which will be corrected shortly:
    The image format is not correctly read from scripts, 
    and is always displayed as 'rectilinear'. You have
   to manually change to 'fisheye'.
(3) Fisheye images are internally mapped to 6 rectilinear
    images, and hence use up a lot of system resources.

As a test, you can load the scriptfile supplied with
the PTPicker example at my website. 
It uses 7 full frame fisheye images. After loading,
before pressing 'show', you have to change the format of
each image from rectilinear to fisheye as described above.

You need lots of RAM to run this example since it
works internally with 42 source images loaded at the same
time, and 42 instances of PTZoom. There is also a 
small, nonfatal display bug in PTZoom with masked
images, which shows up in this example, and which will
be corrected in the next version.


Helmut Dersch

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