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Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:A Kielcz
Date/Time:2011-Apr-27 18:58:28
Subject:old technology in PTGui


PanoTools NG: old technology in PTGui A Kielcz 2011-Apr-27 18:58:28
Hi Everybody,
Please correct me, if I'm wrong.
It seems to me that PTGUI employs an old software in "plugins" and "panorama tools". Some of it was coded many years ago, i.e. panotools, smartblend, enblend, pano12.dll and other such software. The computer technology advances so fast, but it seems that software doesn't keep up. Another example is that almost all is available only in 32-bit.
Thank you!

A Kielcz           

Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.

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