PanoTools mailing list archive

Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:Antonio Victor Garcia-Serrano zakato360@...
Date/Time:2016-Apr-26 21:15:51
Subject:Re: What shall we do with this group.


PanoTools NG: Re: What shall we do with this group. Antonio Victor Garcia-Serrano zakato360@... 2016-Apr-26 21:15:51
Still reading here too (digest emails).

(Sent from Gmail Mobile )
Antonio Victor Garcia-Serrano BEng PhD
Director de proyectos / Project manager
Z.a.k.a.To  Imagen Interactiva / Interactive Imaging
mo. (+34) 605 879 899   -   tel. (+34) 966 228 641
C/ Olivereta 9AC - 03203 - Elche (Alicante) - SPAIN   @zakato360   Linkedin   zakato @ skype

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