PanoTools mailing list archive

Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:Michael Hodish mhcerec@...
Date/Time:2020-May-05 17:11:30
Subject:Re: Change of email address: send to


PanoTools NG: Re: Change of email address: send to Michael Hodish mhcerec@... 2020-May-05 17:11:30
Huck, I am not the mod, just a lurker... but I mod some other yahoo groups. I case the mod is not watching, he can't unilaterally make this change for you.  Go to and make a new subscription for yourself using your new email. Mod then must approve it.

Mike Hodish

From: #removed# <#removed#> on behalf of 'Huck Rorick' #removed# [PanoToolsNG] <#removed#>
Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 1:48 PM
To: #removed# <#removed#>
Subject: [PanoToolsNG] Change of email address: send to #removed#


Please send all emails to #removed#<mailto:#removed#>

Thank you,

Huck Rorick

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