PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Douglas Bridges
Date/Time:2000-Jul-12 16:53:50
Subject:PTViewer Help


proj-imim: PTViewer Help Douglas Bridges 2000-Jul-12 16:53:50
Is there a way to get the Java PTViewer to scroll across regular JPEG 
images. I don't need to do full panoramic scrolling, just back and forth 
across a regular JPEG. I have tried other lighter-weight applet viewers, but 
I need one that has the good javascript support that PTViewer has. As far as 
I can tell, my images look pretty cruddy because it is expecting a spherical 
image, not the standard image I am giving it.

A client will be uploading images to be viewed, so I cannot expect them to 
process the images.

Any ideas?

Doug Bridges
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