PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Paul Waldo
Date/Time:2001-May-08 23:24:22
Subject:Newbie needs help!


proj-imim: Newbie needs help! Paul Waldo 2001-May-08 23:24:22
Hi all,

I've just discovered the Pano Tools, and I can't seem to get them to work the
way the documentation says they should.  I've tried to get things to work under
Redhat Linux 7.1 and Windows 2000.  Here are the results:

Windows 2000:
I placed the pano12.dll under \Winnt\system32.  I tried dragging image files
into ptstitcher.  It opens a DOS window and asks me for the name of the file to
save to.  I then get a dialog which says "Error opening script file".  The
application then quits.

I put in /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib, then ran /sbin/ldconfig.
PTStitcher doesn't seem to run at all under Linux:
[#removed# Helpers]$ ./PTStitcher
bash: ./PTStitcher: No such file or directory

So I then tried ptpicker with "java -jar ptpicker.jar".  The first thing it
prints is "Could not load library pano12".  I am using Sun's 1.3.0 JVM.

Any help would be appreciated: I'm really looking forward to seeing what this
can do!

Paul Waldo

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