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Sender:Jacob L Anawalt
Date/Time:2001-Jul-24 09:52:28
Subject:Installing PanoTools on Linux, issues - Update


proj-imim: Installing PanoTools on Linux, issues - Update Jacob L Anawalt 2001-Jul-24 09:52:28
Hans-Dieter Kluge emailed me with some suggestions, and by following
them I was able to use Sun's Java port of jdk1.3.1 to Linux. 

Basically I needed to use the library switch:
-Djava.library.path=/usr/lib when calling their java interpreter, since
my is installed in (copied to) /usr/lib. 

E.g.: java -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib -mx64m -jar ptpicker.jar

This seemed to run just as well as blackdown's port, which must look in
/usr/lib by default rather than /lib or where ever Sun's default
location is.

Setting the environment variables make things more convenient, but I
found only the library switch to be necessary.

E.g. (bash/sh style):
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre 
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/bin

Jacob Anawalt

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