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Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:'Sacha Griffin' sachagriffin@...
Date/Time:2015-May-07 19:00:30
Subject:RE: Proof of concept virtual tour


PanoTools NG: RE: Proof of concept virtual tour 'Sacha Griffin' sachagriffin@... 2015-May-07 19:00:30
What do you want to know?

My take would be..


1.       The default krpano droplet is not really too user friendly.

People aren?t going to find the thumbnails if ever.

Make them open by default or try another skin.


2.       The resolution isn?t good enough to be worthwhile.  You can?t tell what anything is.


3.       Some of the panoramas aren?t leveled. This give a feeling of generally nausea when panning


4.       Your nadir hotspot should have capture=false or enabled=false so that it doesn?t block the mouse.

5.       It could use some information about what we are looking at.. Describe the facility and each scene. A virtual tour should be a method to learn a hundred things. With the current setup, I?m learning that there?s a bunch of tables and some people working. 


Mostly, the resolution needs to be better. First timers often get caught in no-stitch one shot cameras. But they aren?t good enough to use.  Multicamera devices are only good for video, automated webcams, toy-shots, etc. Static scenes are much better done with 360 heads and ANY other camera. 


Best Regards,


Sacha Griffin

Southern Digital Solutions LLC  - Atlanta, Georgia <>

IM: #removed#

Office: 404-551-4275



From: #removed# [mailto:#removed#] 
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 12:12 PM
To: #removed#
Subject: [PanoToolsNG] Proof of concept virtual tour [1 Attachment]



[Attachment(s) from Tom Sparks included below] 

I am doing Proof of concept virtual tour for group witch is called HSBNE
inc (HackerSpace Brisbane inc)


I know about:
* missing hotspots
* panoramas out of order
* bad stitching
* color issues
* watermarks / demo software

the virtual tour is incomplete

I would like to have some feedback from the community

tom sparks
x86? We ain't got no x86. We don't need no stinking x86!

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