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Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Date/Time:2015-May-08 03:03:15
Subject:RE: Proof of concept virtual tour


PanoTools NG: RE: Proof of concept virtual tour tom_a_sparks@... 2015-May-08 03:03:15
>What do you want to know?
 >My take would be..
 >1.       The default krpano droplet is not really too user friendly.
 >People aren?t going to find the thumbnails if ever.
 >Make them open by default or try another skin.

 >2.       The resolution isn?t good enough to be worthwhile.  You can?t tell what anything >is.
 panoweaver defaults to the lowest resolution for stitching unless changed :facepalm:


 >3.       Some of the panoramas aren?t leveled. This give a feeling of generally nausea >when panning

 >4.       Your nadir hotspot should have capture=false or enabled=false so that it doesn?t >block the mouse.
 I have removed the nadir hotspots as there were cause other issues

 >5.       It could use some information about what we are looking at.. Describe the >facility and each scene. A virtual tour should be a method to learn a hundred things. >With the current setup, I?m learning that there?s a bunch of tables and some people >working.

 On the to-do list



 >Mostly, the resolution needs to be better. First timers often get caught in no-stitch >one shot cameras. But they aren?t good enough to use.  Multicamera devices are >only good for video, automated webcams, toy-shots, etc. Static scenes are much >better done with 360 heads and ANY other camera. 

 the camera has the resolution appox 2.5 Megpixels per full fisheyes when cropped
 four photos are take at 90 degrees intervals


 I am currently restitching/rendering the images....  

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