PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Gummy Bear
Date/Time:2000-May-27 17:43:31
Subject:Re: Netscape 6.0


proj-imim: Re: Netscape 6.0 Gummy Bear 2000-May-27 17:43:31

> Yes there are still a lot of bugs, but N6 (or Mozilla 5 for the purists)
is the
> most standards complient of all existing browsers. Check your page code,
some of
> the display problems may not be bugs in N6, and as such will likely not be

You could very well be correct.  However, it seems like this will cause a
of problems with the exisiting HTML code out there in cyberspace.

> Unfortunately most WSYWIG authoring packages produce such bad
> code that problems are inevitable until the manufacturers lift their game.

Agreed.  However, some of the tables I make get quite complicated and
it would take me twice as long to do it by hand...

> There are a couple of utilities available to help clean up page code for
> One is called "htmltidy" from the W3C
> the other the "demoroniser"

Thank you - I'll have a look.

BTW, how is PTviewer working for you in Netscape 6?



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