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Sender:RDHoore (ProxyVista)
Date/Time:2000-May-23 12:08:00
Subject:Re: I'll keep on asking, against all odds


proj-imim: Re: I'll keep on asking, against all odds RDHoore (ProxyVista) 2000-May-23 12:08:00
> To go much larger meerly oversizes the pixels. Unless you are giving them
> a bigger image also. Thats why I am not a big fan of the zoom button.

I agree with you, but a few real estate agents I spoke to, don't. For some
of them, that window is just too small. Bad eyes or who knows what. They
don't mind bigger pixels, they say a bigger window gives you the feeling
you're there, and that's what this real estate stuff is all about.

> Currently my site (soon to be updated thanks to Helmut) offers up (LP)
> "big" or "fast" versions to visitors. Most choose "fast".

I had that too. What's your default? When mine was "medium (faster)", most
visitors kept it like that. When I changed it to "better (slower)", again
most kept it like that. Most people are in a hurry and don't want to read
much and change much.

> You could give visitors the opportunity to select optimum window size when
> they get to your site...

I used to have that, but they like more what I have now: you don't select
anything anywhere, but if you maximize your browser window, you get a larger
viewing window too.

> Here is my take on it.
> >From an architectural perspective, 60 degrees is pretty much the maximum
> comfortable "cone of vision".

The size of the viewing window doesn't influence the fov.

Ronny D'Hoore

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