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Sender:Helmut Dersch
Date/Time:2000-Aug-05 01:45:00
Subject:Re: Memory Cache


proj-imim: Re: Memory Cache Helmut Dersch 2000-Aug-05 01:45:00
Flemming V. Larsen wrote:
> Your movie example now run very smooth and it's fast loading. The caching seems to work fine.
> But how does this cache actually work. If I have a jpeg at 100 kb, my image-browser tells me it unpacks to "current memory size" 3.9 MB. Is it the jpeg-size or the memory-size that is kept in the cache?

The compressed jpeg-image (100kb)  is cached, not the bitmap (3.9mb).

> And does the cache only use psychical RAM.

Any RAM accessible to the JAVA VM.

> Could a max cache size be implemented or is it only possible to do a true or false?

It is now only true or false, but this shouldn't be a problem since
compressed images are cached.

You can get selective caching by setting 'cache' to false, and using
a 'preload' list of images.

Helmut Dersch

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