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Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:Roger Howard
Date/Time:2012-Apr-04 19:45:37
Subject:Re: OT HTML problems


PanoTools NG: Re: OT HTML problems Roger Howard 2012-Apr-04 19:45:37
On Apr 4, 2012, at 10:08 AM, Willy Kaemena wrote:

> I want to redirect    visitors  which still  coming to my soon ending old homepage, to my new page. One  easy way is to  use   Meta Refresh Tag, which normally works fine.  BUT  now  I have  the following problem:
> here the old  link
> if I click  this link  on iPhone / iPad  or I.E. on Windows, everything is fine  and the visitor  is redirected to the new URL
> When  using Safari / Firefox/ Chrome  on WIN or Mac  what happens  is that the index file is being downloaded.
> Any  idea  what is going wrong?


That page is returning it's content type as "application/octet-stream", which is why it's downloading on most browsers.

iOS browsers and WIndows/IE are instead ignoring the content type (which is set wrong) and sniffing the file for its actual type - this has long been considered a *problem* with IE, but in this case is giving you desirable results (Microsoft has a habit of bending the rules - and, in many cases, for good reasons... many web servers are still misconfigured and report bad content-types, so IE tries to outsmart the server... usually it's OK, like in this case, although sometimes it's a real problem).

It's not clear to me *why* this is happening, though - your root page ( is returning an appropriate content-type (text/html).

Try opening that page in a text editor and resaving it - I can't imagine why that'd help, but I can't think of anything else (since .Mac doesn't give you access to the server configuration).



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