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Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Date/Time:2015-Jan-18 22:01:42
Subject:PanoTools based Videostabilization


PanoTools NG: PanoTools based Videostabilization der@... 2015-Jan-18 22:01:42
I was looking for video stabilization software for my latest hobby (taking shaky videos from my bicycle) and noticed, that
 (a) existing tools did not work very well with the wide angle fisheye-type lenses of action cameras, and
 (b) that there are numerous successful attempts to use Panotools to stabilize videos.

 Problem with Panotools is, that a fixed (no-parallax) camera position is required. I reworked the optimizer to handle moving cameras, create and select suitable control points, and calculate a smoothed 3d-trajectory. Here is one example featuring a (favourable I think) comparison with existing stabilizer tools (mostly 2d-based), and another example of a hyperlapsed bicycle ride.

 Could get integrated in the mpremap framework. Also, being Panotools based it accepts any input lens type, including equirectangular panorama movies.


 Helmut Dersch



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