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Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:Roger D Williams roger@...
Date/Time:2015-Jan-19 01:49:39
Subject:Re: PanoTools based Videostabilization


PanoTools NG: Re: PanoTools based Videostabilization Roger D Williams roger@... 2015-Jan-19 01:49:39
I am eagerly awaiting my GIROPTIC camera so that I can take videos on my bicycle (I live near a river with highly photogenic cycle paths along both banks). Doubtless they will be shaky videos! I look forward to using this new tool to smooth them. Great timing from my point of view!

Thank you, Professor Dersch!

Roger W

Sent from my iPad

> On Jan 19, 2015, at 6:01 AM, #removed# [PanoToolsNG] <#removed#> wrote:
> I was looking for video stabilization software for my latest hobby (taking shaky videos from my bicycle) and noticed, that
> (a) existing tools did not work very well with the wide angle fisheye-type lenses of action cameras, and
> (b) that there are numerous successful attempts to use Panotools to stabilize videos.
> Problem with Panotools is, that a fixed (no-parallax) camera position is required. I reworked the optimizer to handle moving cameras, create and select suitable control points, and calculate a smoothed 3d-trajectory. Here is one example featuring a (favourable I think) comparison with existing stabilizer tools (mostly 2d-based), and another example of a hyperlapsed bicycle ride.
> Could get integrated in the mpremap framework. Also, being Panotools based it accepts any input lens type, including equirectangular panorama movies.
> Regards
> Helmut Dersch

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