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Sender:Flemming V. Larsen
Date/Time:2002-Dec-08 14:55:59
Subject:Re: [proj-imim] Video Avatar in a panorama


proj-imim: Re: [proj-imim] Video Avatar in a panorama Flemming V. Larsen 2002-Dec-08 14:55:59
This can also be done in Ptviewer with the use of ptmovie.
As I recall "Gummybear" had an example long time ago [ are you still
there Gummybear?? ].

I've made a qiuck example at

I only had a 5 years old lo-res 6 frames hotmedia objectanimation
[couldn't locate the original frames! ] - so it's not as fine as Aldo's
example - I had to cut too much away because off the blue anti-aliased
background, the motion is could have been more smooth and interesting
and some shadows would have added a touch of realism.

But this is just to test that it works.

the extra ptmovie code goes like this

    <PARAM name=inits   value="ptviewer:startApplet(0)">
    <PARAM name=applet0  value="{code=ptmovies.class}

and along with ptviewer.jar [small version] I had to upload
ptmovies.class and ptstub.class.

First I tried using transparent gif-frames, but ptmovie doesn't clear
the frames, so it wasn't that smart to look at!
Instead I loaded the pano.jpg into photoshop and placed the frames in
layers. Cropped the image to the size of the frames [write down the
upper x,y of the crop-area before you crop, to use for px , py in the
applet params] and saved each layer with the pano-background as

As Helmut Dersch page still is closed I birng the ptmovie-documentatin
here :


PTMovies inserts a set of images into the panoramic image or the viewer
window, depending on the warp-parameter. If warp is true (default) the
images are inserted into the panorama and they have to be warped to the
panoramic projection. They are displayed perspectively corrected in
PTViewer and appear like natural elements of the VR-scene. For an
example that displays an animation on the screen of a movie theater, see
here.If warp is false, the images are inserted unchanged into the
foreground viewer window.

List of parameters:

 frame - the filename of the frame images. These should be numbered
starting at 0. The number has to appear somewhere in the file name. The
position of the number should be marked using the sign '#'. See the
example above ('frames/frame#.jpg' loads the files frames/frame0.jpg,
frames/frame1.jpg etc). There should be no leading zeros in the number.
* PTViewer - the name of the ptviewer applet, defaults to "ptviewer".
* warp - true (default) or false; determines how images are inserted;
see description above.
* px - the x-pixel coordinate of the insertion point in the panoramic
image (upper left point, default 0). If warp is false, px is the viewer
pixel coordinate.
* py - the y-pixel coordinate of the insertion point in the panoramic
image (upper left point, default 0).If warp is false, py is the viewer
pixel coordinate.
* fps - maximum number of frames per second, may be fractional, defaults
to 20.
* loop - 0 - don't loop, 1 - restart at beginning, 2 - reverse (default

Best Regards


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