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Sender:Helmut Dersch
Date/Time:2000-Jul-14 23:44:55
Subject:PTViewer 1.7


proj-imim: PTViewer 1.7 Helmut Dersch 2000-Jul-14 23:44:55
Readme PTViewer 1.7

Changes to version 1.6

(1) The distribution has been simplified: Only one
jar file (~30kByte) contains all classes, and may be used as applet
or standalone program. Slightly smaller customized applets
can be generated using the supplied class files.

(2) An interface for interaction with other applets has 
been implemented. These applets can manipulate almost any
feature of PTViewer. Three such applets (PTMovies, PTObject,
PTFlat, see descriptions below) which use this interface
are included as class files and in the jar-file. 

(3) PTMovies can insert animations into the panorama. These
are warped, perspectively corrected, and appear as natural
elements of the VR-scene.

(4) PTObject is a 360 * 180 degree object viewer which uses
multiple images to display 3D-objects in front of a panorama
or static background.

(5) PTFlat is a flat image viewer which allows the user to scroll
and zoom. High quality bilinear interpolators are used which
give better image quality than many other image viewers.

(6) Applet interaction is not supported on all java installations,
eg not on Mac/IE, Mac/iCab, AppletViewer and the standalone version
of PTViewer. To still be able to run the helper applets, 
functions to load these applets into PTViewer are provided,
and enable their use on any java platform.

(7) The pixel interpolator can be selected using a 'quality'
parameter tag. See the html-documentation for details.

(8) The standalone version of the viewer displays correct window sizes
on Windows platforms now.

(9) All panoramas can be declared in a list using the pano0/1/2
tag. Previously, the first panorama had to be specified twice:
Once in the list, and once using separate parameter tags.
Now the first panorama of the list can be loaded using the tag
filename = ptviewer:0.

(10) Multiple ptviewer: scripting commands can be specified
using a semicolon separated list. Eg
performs a move, then plays the sound and moves on.

(11) An initialisation string can be specified using the 'inits'
parameter tag. This string may be any ptviewer command, or javascript
command, or url-link. It will be executed after the panorama is loaded.

(12) waitWhilePanning() function added which can be used
to create self-displaying tours, It should be called
after each moveTo() of moveFromTo() function call.

(13) Many minor bug fixes. Some problems regarding the
position of the wait image have not been changed since
the present solution appears to be most flexible.

Download the applet, application and all java classes
Updated docs at
docs for extensions (PTObject/PTMovies/PTFlat etc)

Helmut Dersch

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