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Sender:Ed Howard
Date/Time:2000-Jul-15 07:55:22
Subject:PTViewer 1.7


proj-imim: PTViewer 1.7 Ed Howard 2000-Jul-15 07:55:22
I had mentioned the following "tweak"

>Very minor - Clicking on frame where there is no pano or hot spot, sends
>a call to viewer which stops any in progress function (pan, move to etc..).

This seems to have been addressed, but now if one attempts to begin a pan in
the frame (but outside viewer window), the call is sent and functions but it
functions incorrectly. Ideally, attempts to initiate pans while outside the
viewer window (but in the frame) would do nothing. Or if it does something,
it should function the same as panning inside the viewer window.

Ed Howard

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