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Date/Time:2000-Jul-15 16:08:21
Subject:Re: PTViewer 1.7


proj-imim: Re: PTViewer 1.7 Caroling 2000-Jul-15 16:08:21
I haven't tried 1.7 yet. But I downloaded and noticed that
the .jar is now almost twice the size. I know you have
combined features into one .jar for convenience of
programming and for people that need all the features. But
it is now too big. All my panos just need the bug fixes,
because they don't use the new features. I like a 15kb
download much better than a 32kb download.

Is there any way you could conditionalize the source code to
provide two .jars? The low end would provide the features up
to 1.6 plus bug fixes to those features. The high end would
provide all the combined new features of 1.7.

I say this for several reasons. 
*  One is the value of a small download. You must know that
10 or 15 or 20 KB adds time to downloads for many people. 
*  Two is simplicity. I have found that almost every new
feature that I try has a performance penalty. Therefore I
will always have a need for a plain pano without any fancy features.

I think with 1.7, you have lost something important. The
important thing about the java applet is that it can view a
spherical scene with a tiny download and good performance.
That is web magic. 

So if you cannot be convinced to continue to maintain a
PTViewer.jar that is under 20kb, then can you provide a list
of bugs that I can expect if I continue to use 1.6? It would
be nice to know what I am giving up.

I'm sorry to have to say you have gone too far in feature
quest. I personally love features and wish I had time to
explore them all. It is just the practical use on my web
pages that I'm thinking of. I'm hoping that you can satisfy
both requirements by continuing to support a small basic
.jar file for PTViewer. Thanks for everything in any case. 

Helmut Dersch wrote:
> Readme PTViewer 1.7
> Changes to version 1.6
> (1) The distribution has been simplified: Only one
> jar file (~30kByte) contains all classes, 

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