PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Helmut Dersch
Date/Time:2001-Jun-04 18:36:59
Subject:Re: Site closed, and changes


proj-imim: Re: Site closed, and changes Helmut Dersch 2001-Jun-04 18:36:59

Richard Moore schrieb:
>...same experience viewers have today with
> Helmut's PTViewer. So which party would be infringing in
> this case?

I do not want to comment on your questions but want to
emphasize that no one has yet accused PTViewer
of infringing any patents. There are many viewers
out there which use similar technology and I am not
aware of any ipix patent that could possibly apply.

ipix is after users of fisheye lenses (in connection
with VR). These may or may not be PTViewer users at 
the same time. PTViewer displays the same images as the 
Smoothmove viewer, LivePicture viewer, VRML-viewers and 
QTVR-viewer. Are all these viewers infringing ipix patents?
There are public records of ipix officials who admit
that spherical viewers per se (in this case the cubic QTVR-viewer)
do not infringe ipix patents.

As to fisheye lenses: The ipix patents mentioning
fisheye lenses explicitely refer to 'hemispherical'
images, ie having 180 degree fov. In the US they
tried to extend this description to any fisheye lens,
and failed (Sometimes, the legal system does work).
I am planning to limit fisheye processing in the next PanoTools
to 160 degree, which covers full frame lenses, and
hopefully 8mm/D1 combos. I will also publish the sources
for those who want to build unlimited versions.

This is meant to provide some security to PanoTools-
users and myself. In this case there is no way that 
ipix could attack someone just for using the software.

Another point: I did not receive the warning from ipix
but from a person who is currently being treated by
them and their lawyers. I am not authorized to mention
details. I hope there is no immediate danger, neither
for him nor for us, but it makes sense to be cautious,
hence the proposed changes.


Helmut Dersch

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