PanoTools mailing list archive

Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:Roger Howard
Date/Time:2012-Feb-15 19:13:32
Subject:Re: I just don't get Facebook...


PanoTools NG: Re: I just don't get Facebook... Roger Howard 2012-Feb-15 19:13:32
On Feb 15, 2012, at 10:05 AM, Ken Warner wrote:

> We all use this forum to announce or denigrate other types of forums.
> What does that tell you?

You might. The vast, vast majority of people I know, work with, and socialize with, don't subscribe to any mailing lists - in fact a significantly large number of people I associate with barely use email at all, as it's viewed (rightly, in my judgement) a terribly limited, awkward, and inflexible medium.

Anyway, this *mailing list* has a lot of noise on it these days, including discussions of the opinions of the relative value of other communications mediums, frequent debates about platforms, and other discussions with only the most tenuous connection to the stated purpose of the forum. I would agree, not every medium is right for everyone - it's often generational and cultural - but to suggest that those mediums are not valuable is entirely self-centered. But mailing lists are hardly the end-all-be-all of social communications mediums.

If you think Twitter is just for following Bieber, and Facebook is all about fending off requests from people you left behind when you graduated high school, you use them differently than I do.

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