PanoTools mailing list archive

Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:Pat Swovelin
Date/Time:2012-Feb-17 23:41:06
Subject:Re: Re: I just don't get Facebook...


PanoTools NG: Re: Re: I just don't get Facebook... Pat Swovelin 2012-Feb-17 23:41:06
On 2/15/2012 12:21 PM, Hans wrote:
> --- In #removed#, Roger Howard <rogerhoward@...> wrote:
>> On Feb 15, 2012, at 10:05 AM, Ken Warner wrote:
>>> We all use this forum to announce or denigrate other types of forums.
>>> What does that tell you?
>> You might. The vast, vast majority of people I know, work with, and 
>> socialize with, don't subscribe to any mailing lists - in fact a 
>> significantly large number of people I associate with barely use 
>> email at all, as it's viewed (rightly, in my judgement) a terribly 
>> limited, >awkward, and inflexible medium.
> I have never used Panotools as a mailing list.
> Why would you spam, you mail with it when you can visit it online and 
> post online.
> I do not understand why people choose to receive mails from it.

Because you have *local control* of everything which gives you access to 
that knowledge anytime and anywhere without a Net connection.  Nothing 
else allows you that capability.  And if you need to you can always 
access it with a web-based UI.

> Hans
>> Anyway, this *mailing list* has a lot of noise on it these days, 
>> including discussions of the opinions of the relative value of other 
>> communications mediums, frequent debates about platforms, and other 
>> discussions with only the most tenuous connection to the stated 
>> purpose of the forum. I would agree, not every medium is right for 
>> everyone - it's often generational and cultural - but to suggest that 
>> those mediums are not valuable is entirely self-centered. But mailing 
>> lists are hardly the end-all-be-all of social communications mediums.
>> If you think Twitter is just for following Bieber, and Facebook is 
>> all about fending off requests from people you left behind when you 
>> graduated high school, you use them differently than I do.

Pat Swovelin
Cool Guy @ Large

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